Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Tintwistle Bypass

Arnfield Brook Sluice
Originally uploaded by Brenden Preece.
A nice peaceful scene in the Derbyshire countryside. In the bank above the stream a pair of Grey Wagtails are nesting. A Common Sandpiper is feeding in the pool beyond. Curlews are calling from the moors. You might be surprised to learn that at this very spot, you could have a dual carriageway road over your head, if the Highways Agency gets it's way. The route of the Tintwistle Bypass, (see it here n.b. large file) would take the road straight over this corner of Arnfield Reservoir. The A628 'Woodhead Pass' connects Manchester with Sheffield via the M67, A616 and M1. The Mottram and Tintwistle bypass is planned to relieve the traffic passing through these villages. Objections to the bypass centre on the impact to the country side. I have lived in the area for over twenty years and kept a diary of the birds seen around Arnfield Reservoir an area which would take the brunt of the impact of the road. I have recorded well over a hundred species of birds, click here to read a full list.

On 31st January 2006 the Highways Agency published the draft Orders for Bypass. Objectors have until the 5th May to protest by writing to the Secretary of State for Transport. See here to read more about the issue.