Art Magick
I came across a wonderful site, Art Magick (, an Art Gallery site featuring mainly the Pre-Raphaelite and Symbolist movements. A wonderful site because it does exactly what it is supposed to do with out tantalising you with poor quality where you have to pay for better. It is relatively self-contained, not littered with links diverting you off elsewhere and very importantly, free of advertising. The design is coherent and the quality of the art reproduction is excellent and detailed. There is also plenty of background to the works. I should say one could spend hours and hours there before exhausting the possibilities of this site.
Of course it helps if you are interested in the material. Since childhood, when I was taken round Manchester City Art Gallery by my mother, I have loved the works of the Pre-Raphaelites such as Holman Hunt and Ford Madox Brown. How did I come across the site? Through an entry in Richard Bell's Wild West Yorkshire where he refers to Millais and Richard Dadd (entry for 24th November). I thought I must find some Richard Dadd on the internet (potted Biography here) which led me to Art Magick.