Saturday, May 28, 2005

Goosanders on Padfield Reservoir

At the top of Padfield Main Road, the road passes between 2 square (or squarish) reservoirs. The farmland round there is managed with wildlife in mind, rather than drain the land the farmer encourages the ground to retain plenty of water. As a result the fields are full of rushy patches and I always have expectations of seeing something special there. I took a walk around there today, a grey and overcast day, to find out what the birds were that I had seen on the water earlier in the day. At first they seemed deserted but as I walked further away a flock of 8 Goosanders all female flew in and began to dive for fish. They were very wary and I knew I would be sure to put them up as I walked back to the car. I was still thrilled to see them, they seem to have been scarce over the last few years. Other birds seen were: Lapwings - at least 12 pairs, Redshank - 1 bird, Curlew - A few heard from further up the hill, Heron - 1 bird,Partridge - 1 pair flushed from the rushes, Skylark - 1 or 2 only singing, Pied Wagtail, Pheasant, Mallard, Carrion Crow, Starling.